Article Navigation
- Edit a Standard Location
- Copy a Standard Location
- View Standard Location Revisions
- Revert a Standard Location to a Previous Version
- Publish or Unpublish a Standard Location
- Delete a Standard Location
- Location Information Fields
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Create a Standard Location
- Expand Create Other
- Click Create Standard Location
- Complete the Location Information fields
Publish the Standard Location
Note: A Standard Location must be published to appear as an option in any Standard Location drop-down
- Click Save
Edit a Standard Location
- Navigate to the page
- Click Edit
- Edit the Location Information fields as necessary
- Publish or Unpublish the Standard Location as necessary
- Click Save
Copy a Standard Location
- Navigate to the page
- Click Clone
- Edit the Location Information fields as necessary
Publish the Standard Location
Note: A Standard Location must be published to appear as an option in any Standard Location drop-down
- Click Save
View Standard Location Revisions
- Navigate to the page
- Click Revisions
- View the list of previous revisions
Revert a Standard Location to a Previous Version
- Navigate to the page
- Click Revisions
- Select Revert to revert the Standard Location page to a previous version
- Select Revert to confirm the revision
Publish or Unpublish a Standard Location
- Navigate to the page
- Click Edit
- Select the Publishing tab
- Complete the Publishing options
- Published: Check or uncheck the box publish or unpublish respectively
- Publish On: Select a date and time to publish the event at a later date
- Unpublish On: Select a date and time to automatically unpublish the event
- Click Save
Delete a Standard Location
Important Note
Only Site Admins can perform this function. This action cannot be undone, and the page cannot be recovered. It is recommended that a page be unpublished rather than deleted.
- Navigate to the desired page
- Click Edit
- Click Delete
- Click Delete to confirm the deletion
Note: This action cannot be undone
Location Information Fields
Title: Enter the title of the location
- Country: Select the appropriate country from the dropdown
- Street address: Enter the street address of the location
- City: Enter the city the address is located in
- State: Enter the state the address is located in
- Zip code: Enter the zip code the address is located in
Use Above Address: Click this button to create a map pin for the manually entered address
Use Pin Location: Manually place a pin on the map and click this button to generate an address for the manually placed pin
Latitude: Enter the latitude of the address, if known
Note: The latitude will automatically adjust to any locations that are selected on the map.
Longitude: Enter the longitude of the address, if known
Note: The longitude will automatically adjust to any locations that are selected on the map.
Latitude: Enter the latitude of the address, if known
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