Previous Step: Weform Glossary: Confirmation Fields
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- Basic Elements
- Advanced Elements
- Composite Elements
- Markup Elements
- Options Elements
- Date/Time Elements
- File Upload Elements
- Entity Reference Elements
- Containers
- Payments
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Basic Elements
- Checkbox: A single checkbox element
- Hidden: An HTML hidden input element
- Textarea: A multiple-line text input element
- Text field: A single-line text input element
Advanced Elements
- Email: A form element for entering an email address
- Email confirm: A form element for double-input of email addresses
- Height (feet/inches): A form element to enter height in feet and inches
- Number: A form element for numeric input
- Range: A form element for the input of a number within a specific range using a slider
- Rating: A form element to rate something using a voting widget
- Scale: A form element for the input of a numeric scale
- Telephone: A form element for entering a telephone number
- URL: A form element for input of a URL
Composite Elements
- Basic address:A form element to collect address information such as street, city, state, and/or zip
- Contact: A form element to collect contact information such as name, address, phone, and/or email
- Custom composite: A form element to create custom composites using a grid/table layout
- Link: A form element to display a link
- Name: A form element to collect a person's full name
Markup Elements
- Advanced HTML/Text: An element to render advanced HTML markup and processed text
- Basic HTML: An element to render basic HTML markup
Options Elements
- Checkboxes: A form element for a set of checkboxes
- Checkboxes other: A form element for a set of checkboxes, with the ability to enter a custom value
- Likert: A form element where users can respond to multiple questions using a Likert scale
- Radios: A form element for a set of radio buttons
- Radios other: A form element for a set of radio buttons, with the ability to enter a custom value
- Select: A form element for a drop-down menu or scrolling selection box
- Select other: A form element for a drop-down menu or scrolling selection box, with the ability to enter a custom value
Date/Time Elements
- Date: A form element for date selection
- Date/time: A form element for date & time selection
- Time: A form element for time selection
File Upload Elements
- Document file: A form element for uploading and saving a document
- File: A form element for uploading and saving a file
- Image file: A form element for uploading and saving an image file
Entity Reference Elements
- Entity Checkboxes: A form element to select multiple entity references using checkboxes
- Entity select: A form element to select single or multiple entity references using a select menu
- Fieldset: An element for a group of form elements
- Flexbox layout: A flexible box container used to layout elements in multiple columns
- Section: An element for a section/group of form elements
- Payment Information: Provides fields for CP Purchase
- Payment Total: Combine all Products into a single total field
- Product: Provides a product allowing a quantity of items
Next Step: Webform Glossary: Element Type Fields
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